Rubicon Strategy Inc. and Capital Counsel Announce Exclusive Partnership....×

is a leading public affairs and government relations firm.

Whether you’re looking to influence public policy, secure government funding or communicate on a high-stakes issue, we’re the experts you want on your side.

We understand your challenges and work tirelessly to solve them.

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Supported an Ontario health association increase access to diagnostic services and lowered the age of publicly funded breast cancer screening from 50 to 40 years of age.

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Secured regulatory approval for a Canadian gold mine company for a mining project in Manitoba.  

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Achieved regulatory approval for a US private equity firm for an M+A transaction of a Canadian marine transportation and environmental service company. 

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Successfully secured millions in skills development training dollars for several Canadian unions and social services partners.

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Created a coalition of the willing, by the name of Vigilance, to establish an Ontario based ship builder program. 

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Supported a major national business association in its efforts to transform and reduce administrative burden for Canadian employers and employees. 

Our high calibre team leverages their expertise and relationships to consistently achieve wins for our clients.

They’ve mastered the fine art of advocacy, expertly weaving knowledge, experience and analytical skills with carefully cultivated relationships among elected officials at all levels.

Kory Teneycke

Co-founder & CEO

Patrick Harris


David Herle LL.B.


Sarah Letersky

Partner, National Health Practice Lead

Get in touch.

200 King St W
Suite 1310 
Toronto, ON  M5H 3T4 

45 O’Connor St.
Suite 700
Ottawa, ON K1P 1A4